The Green Light to Live
with Amy Ward
Being yourSelf.
Being this miracle as life exploring its infinite nature
Nondual Psychology, Therapy, Mentoring & Life Coaching
Self realisation, integration & alchemy

Accepting the Invitation to Dance
Amy's approach
​​Being - this empty fullness, in Bliss, Beauty, and Belonging
So what does exploring the nature of reality have to do with our happiness, wholeness, and well-being?
Everything. Our suffering is rooted in identification with false assumptions about what we are, and what life is. The nature of life IS already and always happiness, wholeness, and well-being but the ideas that we have formulated about what this is make us overlook this fact. Identification with thought leads to a deep sense of separation and disconnection from life. 'I am in here and the world is out there'. This leads to us feeling a deep sense of lack, fear, and isolation, as well as a need to survive and push against life. We don't recognise that we are the happiness, wholeness, and well-being that we seek. This is our nature.
The ideas that we hold within our culture about happiness, wholeness, well-being, and meaning are incredibly limited. Psychology, therapy and spirituality has been popularised around getting to desired outcomes, 'making it', fixing life, and 'feeling good'. Shifting, transcending, and dissolving emotions at the cost of experiencing the moment to moment wisdom of life expressing itself in its fullness. This is a trap that keeps us skimming the surface of life at the cost of overlooking the unfathomable depth, beauty, and richness that is the full embrace of all experience as the aliveness that creates the cosmos. This aliveness is you.
Every experience of suffering is a calling to explore the mystery of life. An invitation to dance into the deeper truth of who and what we really are. Just in the same way that the body feels pain to tell us that we have our hand in a fire, or our feet on broken glass, the sense of suffering, that constant background angst, is the minds' indicator to tell us that we are experiencing life primarily through the lens of, on behalf of, a false separate self, and are seeking happiness through sensations, perceptions, doership, achievements and things. It is the invitation to recognise that happiness is the nature of the essential, unmoving ground of life that you are as it engages deeply and effortlessly with this ever changing, continuously flowing, fabric of experiencing. Happiness is not a feeling. It is the recognition of consciousness knowing iitself and the authentic dynamic movement of life's expression. As this is noticed, the natural state, a wellspring of connection, freedom, peace, clarity, bliss, and vitality is noticed, along with an immense inspiration and creative potential, as mind is freed from the grips of our personal story and world of concepts.
Together, we can follow it home.
You are here knowing experience
Nonduality informed therapy can honour and nurture the human experience through recognition of the need for secure attachment as the felt sense of love and safety in the open flow of experience - this presence which never leaves. This is an important aspect for integrating experience and coming to feel safety,connection, and authenticity as the present moment. The 'Reparenting as Presence' frame (see blog article below), in the context of working with the qualities of true nature in Nondual Therapy meets this need.
Placing attention in awareness/being, following your own resonance, recognising your inner guru and the unique alchemical unfoldment that is naturally taking place within you, is an empowering and direct way to embrace the self as the freedom and flow of experiencing, without negating experience and suffering. This translates as a natural holistic healing.
A grounded recognition and application of Nondual understanding can be incredibly powerful, when integrated with a sound understanding and recognition of human needs in the relative world.
Exploring the nature of experience through intelligent engagement in therapy, inquiry, and simply living life as this world supports the human to stabilise in the eternal peace and happiness that is our true nature - not through negation of suffering, but in revealing the freedom within it. Through this recognition the incredible beauty that is the true nature of experience is revealed.
I had a constant lump in my chest.
It wouldn’t go away.
It became the summation of my life
I found myself inside this
Now all that’s left is love
There is truly no separate entity in the body that is doing anything or trying to find the truth - but there can be an appearance of such. This seeking for the truth is not a separate person, but reality itself exploring its infinite nature. This is all part of this beautiful display of consciousness constantly realising itself as this present moment that we call 'experience' or 'life', and the mechanism of exploring truth through direct experience is powerful, mysterious, genius. Whoever or whatever you think you or your experience is - you're not a mistake. You're absolutely incredible. If you commit your focus to exploring this truth, you will recognise this as yourself - this looks like intelligent engagement with and as the present moment.Engaging your natural curiosity and dynamism when looking into the nature of suffering and struggle, as opposed to trying to fix or change suffering as some expression of life that is 'not life' (i.e separation and negation) is thus engaging a powerful, mysterious, and genius healing capacity. This is the Sadguru. ​
This here, this that is experiencing experience, is the nature of experience.
This field of experiencing which we all share in its diversity, immediacy, and dynamism is reality's expression as one single highly self-interested sentience. The fractalised experience of bodymind everywhere is symbolic of this nature and so is a portal and invitation to experiencing directly our nature as infinite depth, love, and unity - as this awareness (nature of experience) that we all are. Spiritual exploration (that is, living life now) is a constant dance through intelligent engagement as this aliveness, awareness, and awakeness that is always here, self evident, switched on, and available. This is wide open and clear. It is not concealed.

A little bio...
I now work privately following ten years practicing as a Psychologist with NHS CAMHS in Scotland. My initial opening into the nature of presence was in 2016 during a period of very poor mental health. This supported me deeply with my recovery, where many apertures into the dynamic nature of consciousness and reality opened as a natural movement toward wholeness and well-being for this bodymind. In 2019, this seeing deepened into nondual recognition following a sudden energetic (kundalini) awakening which involved a period of spiritual emergency and psychosis. I received grounded support for this in Nondual Therapy and have since continued to integrate my seeing and understanding into a way of working therapeutically and in self inquiry.
I am absolutely, totally, in love with reality and feel immense gratitude to be experiencing myself as reality through the expression of humanity. This simple here is absolutely incredible, and this is completely independent of, and fully includes, what appears to be happening.
I don't know what I am, who I am, or where I am. I only know that I am. This is freedom.
The experience of 'Amy' is an expression inside me as this fullness of life in dynamic harmony, even when it feels like this is not so.
I recognise healing and creating as synonymous, and see creativity as a powerful way to follow the flow of healing through bliss (the spiritual vehicle of expression, transformation, and creation) as well as engaging fully in exploring the nature of reality and awakening into this empty-fullness of home. I enjoy exploring the status quo in mental health care in relation to notions of 'normal functioning', 'disorganised', 'dysfunctional', and 'complex trauma', within societal and spiritual frameworks, and common dialogue. I work therapeutically within the ground of Nondual Therapy and integrate a range of evidence based therapeutic modalities such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and more general Depth Psychology (soul integration/individuation). I am also well versed in Deep Ecology and Permaculture Design and am passionate about healing & remapping mental models as pointers to recognising True Nature through direct experiencing and perception of the wider living natural world. I have undergone, and continue in training, in the system of Nondual Therapy with Georgi Y Johnson and Bart ten Berge. I have also worked for 3 years thus far on a weekly basis with Nic Higham (The Wholeness of Experience) in integration and deepening into Nondual seeing and understanding through Nondual Therapy and Mentoring. I continue to deepen and open to the true nature (empty-fullness) of reality.
"every energy that shows up in your experience is a lightning bolt from God. It is pure divine shakti, and it is truth, and when you see it and own it as a vector of divine force, its a weapon in your arsenal. You're using it, but you're not doing something with it, you're using it by seeing it...seeing is doing. When you see what things are you've done it. So it's kind of like surfing. When you see these energies and you see the truth of it, you ride that truth and that is integrated to all the other energies, until you see the full field of the energies and you're surfing the whole thing, and then you dissolve as a separate surfer and its just this field of energy surfing itself"
MSc Applied Psychology (Health Care) for Children and Young People
BSc Psychology (1st Class Hons)
Permaculture Design Certificate
Trauma-Focussed CBT
Advanced Autism Practice
Certificate in Non-Dual Therapy & Nondual Therapy and the Trauma that Blinds us
​Certified Breathwork Practitioner and Spiritual Coach
​Roles & Experience
Founder and Director of The Green Light to Live Ltd.
Clinical practice as Psychologist with NHS (8 years)
Health and Social Care Practitioner (8
Personal journey in non-dual spiritual awakening and ego integration
University Clinical Lecturer and Tutor
(Edinburgh University)
Evidence Based Programme design, implementation, and evaluation
Psychological assessment, formulation,and treatment for children and families.
Land based living and lived experience in nature reconnection/environmental sustainability

My aim in all of my work is to share and support gentle facilitation through sacred safety and following the natural energetic awakening intelligence in the moment (the Sadguru), with a full inclusion of the human experience.
Zoom sessions are not a free alternative for 1-1 therapy and mentoring. They are a different offering. If you are in need of Nondual Therapy, are experiencing financial hardship and also feeling particularly resonant with us working together, please let me know via email.
Whether you attend zoom or 1-1 sessions, I (Amy) am not liable for any perceived negative effects. Attending these sessions is your acknowledgement that you follow your own discretion and discernment and that you recognise that Amy is practicing freely without professional license or registration with a professional body.