The truth of the moment is permeated by the unconditional release of all experiencing. As all experiencing arises as a configuration of this presence, this wholeness, it simultaneously disappears.
This experiencing, this one single being, vibes with itself through inherent characteristics (qualities) that are simply resonant with the fact of its wholeness, its nonseparateness (i.e. freedom, fulfillment, love). The natural givens of the ever unfolding moment.
The patternings of a personal separate self are assumptions about these conditions as 'me' and 'not me', 'true' and 'untrue', 'right' and 'wrong', 'desirable' and 'undesirable', 'secure' and 'insecure' etc. through assuming, framing, claiming, grasping, and aversion. This creates a sense of pushing and pulling on experience and fighting against the flow of life. This can look like trying, waiting, and holding - a general sense of trying to both get something out of, get away from, control and manipulate life.
However, this sense of selecting and pushing and pulling on experience is itself an expression that is already included as the dynamic (constantly changing) configuration of this one single field of experiencing. Even in the sense of grasping and claiming, this unconditional release is permeating the field as a characteristic that is inherent (unconditional) to the nature of experience as the wholeness of itself, all-ways. All is already flowing in unity. The feeling like it isn't belongs in the display. It's not actually apart from life, it just feels that way, and it is changing with the all, together, as one. All ways.
There isn't actually any tension. If you notice directly in experience, the felt sense of tension is itself constantly slipping away.
It is this simple fact of experiencing as unending and unresolving flow which, when noticed through moments of 'awakening', results in an experience of release from tension of immense proportions, as the egoic consciousness is seen through and the illusory grip on reality is felt, experienced as such. The body is wide open as the dynamic expression and unconditional release of this one unborn, undying reality - untouched by, whilst being the only source of, all that is appearing.
It's always this way. Experience can't be grasped or pushed away, removed or added to. It is already full and one as itself - the fundamental and eternal ground of all life.
Nobody here to claim a thing - the peace and freedom in being
This here, this that is, is totally ungraspable. Holding onto anything as an apparently separate entity is impossible simply because there isn't one here. There is no separation. The sense of being separate is a result of repeated, moment to moment, focus on thoughts and perceptions about experience and so overlooking how experience actually is.
This moment is whole, itself, dynamic, and immediate. There are no 'aspects' or parts that can be extracted and held onto. Nor anything to let go of. Experience has constantly gone. Nothing stands still in the flow of experience and when experience flows, and goes, it flows and goes together, as one. This is constant. Experience is always being released by itself, as itself, to itself.
Through framing experience in perception and then repeated attention on these frames, the sense of separation, including the creation of being a seperate self, is a continuous reshaping based on snapshots of experience (the past) which firstly, has already gone, and secondly, was very limited. It was limited simply because any interpretation, any thought about experience, cannot by any stretch capture the actual experience of the moment. Its just totally impossible.
Notice that perceiving is always free. Regardless of what is being perceived, perceiving itself is always free, wide open and switched on. You can't find a perceiver, perceiving is unlocated everywhere and nowhere. You might notice, as you notice the sense of perceiving that attention goes to a tightening sensation in the head, chest, throat, or belly. Notice that this is being perceived and that the perceiving is free. There is still perceiving of the full field of experience. Feel the fullness and openness of perceiving. The total effortlessness. Allow attention to fall and travel where it wants as you rest as the unlocated perceiving fact of experience.
Can you feel this?
In so doing, in feeling this, we show perceptual and conceptual frames of reference their source of unconditional release as this moment unfolding inside the source of all arising phenomena. This here which effortlessly expresses, holds, unfolds, and absorbs all experience - the natural flow and glow of this perpetual moment.
Give up being liked for being rain
Give up being right for being the dawn chorus
​​Give up being healed for being light dancing at sunset
Then give up being rain
Then give up being the dawn chorus
​Then give up being the dancing light
And just keep doing that.
​Just notice, it's all already gone.