The 'doing' is simply an expression of what the 'doer' believes itself to be. Drop the beliefs, and The Self (knowing) will appear. Be the knowing, and send the doer home to its source. It will arise again (and disappear) as the all knowing single seer. One being. Dancing.
This is love.
This is freedom.
Everything and no-thing
"Falling in love with reality – sublime being 🙏💜
I find myself in being this neutrality, this core potency,
endlessly inward.
In all experiencing, interpreting, infinitely creating,
I am consistently pulled to gaze with the faceless face -
the peace in the heart of experience.
This neutrality is an expression of pure equanimity – a detachment from traditional ideas of meaning and living that allows for an intimacy with all that is that leaves nothing more to desire apart from a continued deepening into, and expressing through, all the apparent normalcy of daily life.
This core emptiness is misunderstood very naturally when taken as concept - its felt sense unable to co-exist for the mind,
with the endless brimming fullness of quality and inherent wholeness that it is in its actuality.
The truth of this beauty, the purity and intimacy of this, can only be truly felt through the immediacy of experiencing, at the cutting edge of sensation.
This sound absent of listening,
this taste without buds,
It is meaninglessness, in the sense is meaning itself, unqualified.
The art of embodied living, of this life, (I can't know of any other, yet know of every other, intimately),
is to recognise endlessly,
the masterworks that is the constant dance of reality's tendency to confirm and simultaneously reveal itself, to itself.
The appearance of a time bound world and play of form is an endless gift,
pregnant, again and again, with meaning.
Where life was once purposeless in the dull grey surrender,
and dramatic in its world of wanting,
it is now felt as a pirouette through its own lost and stolen pointings.
Always surrendered,
never departed....
totally, unapologetically naked,
whilst continuously clothed in the sublime.
is life."
Amy Ward
