The Green Light to Live
with Amy Ward
Being yourSelf.
Being this miracle as life exploring its infinite nature
Nondual Psychology, Therapy, Mentoring & Life Coaching
Self realisation, integration & alchemy

Realise the natural state with Self-inquiry
"the important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day. "
What is Self-Inquiry?
Self-inquiry sessions are free flowing exploration as the immediacy of this moment. Always naturally pointing you towards your boundless eternal nature, you are supported to follow your resonance and flow of experience. Together we recognise your finely tuned points for inquiry through connection with your inner guru (sadguru). This is the inner energy that is your deepest guidance for your self-realisation and organic unfoldment into self-remembering. You will also be supported to identify and integrate blind spots and subtle conceptualising, mind identification, and self-referencing that apparently obscures your direct experience of this inherently perfect and peaceful presence of being.
"There is in the body, a current of energy, affection and intelligence, which guides, maintains and energizes the body. Discover that current and stay with it"
There are many reasons why we turn to exploring the big existential questions through the apparent course of life. Maybe its an impulse towards truth, freedom, and wholeness that we recognise. For many of us, the movement towards the deep exploration into the nature of existence and our own identity is driven by the recognition that, no matter what we are experiencing in the ‘outside world’, internally we are feeling a sense of disconnection, a lack of fulfillment, fear, and ultimately an incredibly painful sense of separation that cannot be satiated through doership, relationships, sensations, and ‘things’. We are no longer able to ignore the background angst.
Despite the incredible level of discomfort experienced when we surrender to this, it is in fact the doorway to our deepest sense of all that we have been seeking. The core sense of separation is beginning to become the foreground of our experience, working as a director for the mind to explore the nature of itself.
A Comprehensive Exploration
These modes of exploration will support you to inquire into your experience comprehensively without negating your experience of being human. Through inquiry sessions and following your natural flow of intelligence, this will provide you with a framework for exploring the moment directly any time through life's happenings, and to enjoy and embrace the inherentrichness and fulfilment of living this one life that you are, however you are showing up.

The way in - Discerning Focus & Radical Mindfulness
Your deepest longings, frustrations, questions, and curiosities are incredibly potent forces for self-inquiry. Unique and finely tuned to you, inquiry into the nature of experience through these existential questions are some of the most powerful ways in which we come to recognise the actuality and nature of reality, and awaken from the illusion of thought and mind identification.
With a combination of earnest curiousity and willingness to let go of preconceived notions and ideas about the nature of existence and the self, a powerful opening occurs where our deeper intelligence, beyond the conscious thinking mind, guides us back into our limitless natural state.
"With an open receptivity, you'll create space to summon an authentic existence. Discerning focus - which, remember, is a blend of skills and qualities of Self-inquiry and meditation - is not about gain, it's about truth, and sometimes truth can seem like a loss.
Discerning focus, radical mindfulness, is asking the question "what is true?" and being prepared for incomprehensible answers."

The Sense I Am
When we follow the flow of consciousness of the sense 'I Am' back to its source, we naturally deliver ourselves into our own limitless transcendent nature. With a softening of focus and earnest curiosity, the mechanisms and structures that create our core sense suffering and apparent obscuration of the natural state are naturally recognised. All that ever needs to happen is seeing, which is already the case as the nature of reality itself. When we meditate upon ourself (experience), we are immediately embodying the natural state.
This is the proufoundly simple and incredibly powerful use of attention in being aware of being aware.
Hold on to this knowingness 'I am' without words and every secret of your existence will be revealed to you"

The Yoga of Radiant Presence
Fine tuning into the felt sense and recognising interpretation, plus exploring the direct experience of the nature of all appearing phenomena allows for a deepening of realisation to take place following initial awakenings, as well as being a direct initial pathway into profound recognition of the nature and fabric of reality and clear seeing.
Amy will support you to view experience through layers of content (thought), experiencing raw sensory data through modes of awareness and exploring the experience of being a perceiver/viewer, to the direct and immediate experience of the empty and simultaneously full, flow of this one single seeing and knowing of itself.
"Thought the nature of existence is extremely subtle and profound, so too is the perceiving intelligence that experiences all this
What you are is intrinsically aligned with the very nature of what you are trying to understand. This alignment grants you the ability to comprehend it"