The Green Light to Live
with Amy Ward
Be yourSelf.
Nondual Psychology, Psychotherapy,
Mentoring & Life Coaching
self recognition, integration & alchemy
I am, flowing through myself, I am.
Self-recognition, as the naturalness, wholeness and home you never left
Questioner: How should we treat others?
Ramana Maharshi: there are no others.
"my desire is that you may recognise solace, healing, and the profound realisation that love is the essence of your true nature. Through nondual therapy, guided inquiry, and personalised mentoring, I provide you with a compassionate and transformative approach to spiritual/life exploration and deep self knowing, whilst not losing sight of the experience of being human"
So what does exploring the nature of reality have to do with our happiness, wholeness, and well-being?
Everything. Our suffering is rooted in identification with false assumptions about what we are, and what life is. Identifiaction with thought leads to a deep sense of separation and disconnection from life. 'I am in here and the world is out there'. This leads to us feeling a deep sense of lack, fear, and isolation, as well as a need to survive and push against life. We don't recognise that we are the happiness, wholeness, and well-being that we seek. This is our nature.
Every experience of suffering is a calling for the mind to explore the deeper truth of who and what we really are. Just in the same way that the body feels pain to tell us that we have our hand in a fire, or our feet on broken glass, the sense of suffering is the minds' indicator to tell us that we are experiencing life through the lens of, on behalf of, a false separate self, and are seeking happiness through sensations, perceptions, doership, and things. It is the invitation to recognise that happiness is the nature of the essential, unmoving ground of life that you are as it engages deeply and effortlessly with this ever changing, continuously flowing, fabric of experiencing. As this is noticed, the natural state, a wellspring of connection, freedom, peace, clarity, bliss, and vitality is noticed, along with an immense inspiration and creative potential, as mind is freed from the grips of our personal story and world of concepts.
Together, we can follow it home.
"I've just had my first session with Amy and my mind was taken to such profound places. I recognise that there is a lot of pain inside and a lot of healing to be done...and to be able to do this in such a spiritual way, I felt all this freedom and space open up in my mind"
"opening up isn't easy for me, I feel like I've lost my way, but in that moment I had a glimpse of something far greater than me"
"I really felt held in our session, I felt so comfortable and so safe with everything that I just wanted to share more and more. And when the emotions got really heavy I got the sense that you understood exactly what I needed in that moment. No words, no verbal reassurance, just being present and seeing me as I expressed some deep deep pain. It meant a lot to me that you just let me feel what I felt without saying anything. I just wanted to be seen"
"you just had this presence about you that even though we were sharing words I slowly became aware of this overpowering feeling of connection and presence. I have had that sort of experience before but something was really unique in our experience. The session was everything one could ask for in being supported through heavy stuff and I'm really grateful"
"Thank you for sharing the beauty of Nondual Therapy and exploring the I Am with me. I am connecting and experiencing deeper awareness, loving consciousness, more clarity, and inner peace. It's been quite blissful! I am still learning how to express this knowing with clarity, but the awareness, expansion, and deep knowing has shifted my perspective and this is life changing! Thank you for guiding me home, to True Nature. I feel so much gratitude for the blessing you have brought me. Thank you."
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Let's engage as reality, together